8 House & Lot For Sale In Cavite With Price

43 Units - House & Lot Projects For Sale or Rent

1 Featured Properties Found

7 Additional Properties Found

House & Lot   House & Lot,
Santiago , General Trias , Cavite PH Cybergreens Suntrust Cybergreens Cybergreens Suntrust Cybergreens General Trias
House & Lot   Lot
Governors Hills , General Trias , Cavite PH Governor’s Hills Suntrust Governor’s Hills Governor’s Hills Suntrust Governor’s Hills General Trias
House & Lot   3 BR, 4 BR
Puting Kahoy , Silang , Cavite PH Sta. Rosa Heights Suntrust Sta. Rosa Heights Sta. Rosa Heights Suntrust Sta. Rosa Heights Silang
House & Lot   1 BR
Puting Kahoy , Silang , Cavite PH Sta. Rosa Hills Suntrust Sta. Rosa Hills Sta. Rosa Hills Suntrust Sta. Rosa Hills Silang
House & Lot   House & Lot
Sabang , Dasmarinas , Cavite PH Suntrust Cyberville Suntrust Suntrust Cyberville Suntrust Cyberville Suntrust Suntrust Cyberville Dasmarinas
House & Lot   Lot
Manggahan , General Trias , Cavite PH The Gentri Heights Suntrust The Gentri Heights The Gentri Heights Suntrust The Gentri Heights General Trias
House & Lot   House & Lot
Tartaria , Silang , Cavite PH The Mandara Suntrust The Mandara The Mandara Suntrust The Mandara Silang

Cities in Cavite

Cavite House & Lot Price List

Property Name Price (₱) Location
The Mandara 0 Silang , Cavite
Suntrust Verona 4,500,000 Silang , Cavite
Governor’s Hills 2,900,000 General Trias, Cavite
Suntrust Cyberville 0 Dasmarinas, Cavite
The Gentri Heights 0 General Trias, Cavite
Sta. Rosa Heights 2,800,000 Silang , Cavite
Sta. Rosa Hills 1,400,000 Silang , Cavite
Cybergreens 1,600,000 General Trias, Cavite

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