Cybergreens - Ready For Occupancy House & Lot

Premium project of Suntrust in Santiago General Trias Cavite


Project Type : House & Lot
Listing Type : Ready For Occupancy
Developer Name : Suntrust
Units : House & Lot,
Price: 1,600,000 & Up
Address : Baranggay Santiago,
Location : General Trias , Cavite PH Cybergreens Suntrust Cybergreens Cybergreens Suntrust Cybergreens General Trias

Suntrust Cybergreens Cybergreens Suntrust Cybergreens General Trias

Wish to live amongst the modern garden community? Then, the Cybergreens are the perfect spot in the city to call your home. It is located in Barangay Santiago, General Trias, Cavite. The lot area of the Cybergreens extends from 60.5 sq m to 72.50 sq m. The Floor area of each residential unit at the Cybergreens covers 61 sq m to 69 sq m. The price range of these residential units starts at Php 1.6 Million to 2 Million. It is a modern garden community that lives here. Live in tranquility and comforts only at the Cybergreens residential units. It has some of the best facilities for communicating with the rest of the world with internet facilitates and Wi-Fi offered to its residents. It is ideal for socializing and bonding with both your friends and family.

Children would love growing up at these residents with a breath of fresh air and lots of entertainment activities. Get the best of modern technology and facilities for a refined lifestyle like never before. Residents from all over the province of Cavite are flocking to book these residential units for deluxe living at a very low price. The features and amenities that add charm to the Cybergreens are the beautiful gardens, a library just for your kids to read and improve their knowledge and vocabulary, and a science school. It is quite close to the educational institutes in the vicinity, hospitals, supermarkets, shopping centers, places of entertainment, cinemas and theatres.


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