Suntrust Palm City - Preselling House & Lot

Premium project of Suntrust in Purok Capitol Tagum Davao del Norte

Suntrust Palm City

Project Type : House & Lot
Listing Type : Preselling
Developer Name : Suntrust
Units : House & Lot
Price: 0 & Up
Address : Purok Capitol, Brgy. Mankilam,
Location : Tagum , Davao del Norte PH Suntrust Palm City Suntrust Suntrust Palm City Suntrust Palm City Suntrust Suntrust Palm City Tagum

Suntrust Suntrust Palm City Suntrust Palm City Suntrust Suntrust Palm City Tagum

Hot   1   86.83 sqm   yes
Purok Capitol, Brgy. Mankilam, , Tagum , Davao del Norte PH Abigail Suntrust Abigail Abigail Suntrust Tagum
Hot   3   90.65 sqm   yes
Purok Capitol, Brgy. Mankilam, , Tagum , Davao del Norte PH Bridgette Suntrust Bridgette Bridgette Suntrust Tagum
Hot   4   155.70 sqm   yes
Purok Capitol, Brgy. Mankilam, , Tagum , Davao del Norte PH Cathleen Suntrust Cathleen Cathleen Suntrust Tagum

Adjudged as one of the Most Child Friendly Cities in the Philippines, Tagum is virtually safe for you and your children to live, so does inside the Suntrust Palm City Tagum, a freshly brewed residential development offering terrific houses and spacious lots in this part of Mindanao. This city is part of the Metropolitan Davao Area and one of the fastest rising economies in Southern Mindanao. Palm City will be Tagum’s most important Township under the auspices of Suntrust Properties, Inc., the nation’s leading property developer, together with Megaworld. Set in a 70-hectare of prime land located in a city where it has diversity of tourist spots, high security standards and accessibility in transport, Suntrust Palm City is certainly in good hands.

Suntrust Palm City is located in Purok Capitol, Brgy. Mankilam, 8110 Tagum City, Davao Del Norte. This location says it all, near prestigious schools, workplaces, medical institutions, restaurants, convenience stores, fast food joints, cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers, government offices and everything you need comes in handy. The site offers various house choices with lot areas ranging from 88 to 150sqm, larger than most upscale residential developments in the area. Floor areas range from 86.83 to 155.70sqm, also one of the industry’s largest.

Suntrust Palm City will make your dream home comes true amidst an exciting and natural environment where elegant Palm trees, on which the city is known for, lined up the scenery in an awesome display of nature’s bounty. The Township is set to house 3 enclaves, namely, the Bismark Palm, Royal Palm and the Phoenix Palm. The project’s enormous recreational amenities and features are also world-class while wide open spaces, parks and roads are also priorities so as not to congest the site.

Suntrust, Suntrust Palm City, House & Lot for Sale in Tagum City, Philippines. For price list, model house, floor plans, payment terms, CHAT LIVE with an agent 24x7. If you're looking to find Suntrust, Suntrust Palm City for Sale, then check here first. We have full details of Suntrust, Suntrust Palm City for Sale updated regularly. Everything you need to know about Suntrust, Suntrust Palm City House & Lot buying process, broken down into stages. Includes selecting a unit, choosing a payment plan and buying your dream home at the right price.


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Suntrust Palm City Suntrust For Sale Price List

Unit Name Project Name Developer Price (₱) Location
Suntrust Palm City Suntrust 5,000,000 Tagum, Davao del Norte
Suntrust Palm City Suntrust 5,100,000 Tagum, Davao del Norte
Suntrust Palm City Suntrust 7,300,000 Tagum, Davao del Norte

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